I just have to share a superb idea with all of you. We have a group of moms and kids that could be pretty big to have at one house. My friend invited everyone to meet at a park near her house. She supplied a lunch of sandwich wraps for the moms and pizza for the kids, along with a fruit tray and frozen fudgesicles. All had a great time, and no one had to worry about making a mess or cleaning up. The creme de la creme? A huge bowl of salt water taffy. Doesn't it look festive? Thanks Kimberly!
Yum...and fun! I'm doing a little party for our group of gals and our kids to celebrate Grace's birthday (three already...sob!) in August (in addition to the separate family party, I'm really asking for it, LOL!) and these ideas are GREAT! I want to be simple but not too simple...and the candy idea is fabulous. Though I may eat it all in the car. Good thing Rodale Park is just, like, two minutes away. The candy is glad. ;o)
Kelly, I like when things look pretty but don't take forever to put together. Another thing I did for a party was put a ton of lolipops in a (new) flower pot. I'll look for pictures and post it. I used them as centerpieces for Elise's first birthday party at the kid's tables. They were the clear loly's called Twinkle Pops and I found in bulk on line.
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